Welcome to Vivid, an empowering community nestled within the vibrant Coven Eau Claire coworking space. Led by Coven's dedicated team members, Lorance Uwinaza and Elaine Coughlin, Vivid stands as a beacon of support for women entrepreneurs, freelancers, and remote workers.
$315 / Year | or | $29 / Month |
6 month minimum commitment |
✦ Monthly Meetups
✦ The Coven Digital Community Access
+ A Private Vivid Member Group
✦ 2 Day Passes / Month
✦ 2 Conference Room Hours / Month
✦ Discounts on Additional Day Passes and Rentals
✦ Discount on Annual Dinner Ticket
The Vivid Community
We're firm believers that when we come together, incredible things unfold. That's why we've crafted a space where kindred spirits can rally around each other's dreams, both professionally and personally.
Vivid's monthly meetups are open to all Coven members, with meetups opened to the public once a quarter. Each meetup will have conversation and activities centered around a theme.
We believe that women are the future and are committed to providing the resources and support they need to succeed. If this sounds like a space for you, we invite you to join our community and take advantage of all that Coven has to offer!
Vivid and Eau Claire Acupuncture present:
Get Savvy with your Vagi
6:00pm - 8:00pm
Monday, January 27
Discover how your vaginal microbiome could be the key to understanding common health issues like recurring infections, painful sex, and even fertility challenges. Learn how vaginal health impacts your overall well-being and explore simple, effective ways to maintain balance with vagi-friendly alternatives.
Vallie Aris is a Licensed Acupuncturist and Herbalist specializing in Women's Health. Through her personal journey with vaginal health, Vallie has done a deep dive into the vaginal microbiome and now offers the Savvy Vagi Program and Treatment at Eau Claire Acupuncture.
This event is open to anyone wanting to learn more about vaginal health, feel free to extend the invitation!
Along with your Vivid membership, you’ll get unlimited access to The Coven Digital Community. Home to 100+ episodes of on-demand professional development content, join the broader Coven community, explore events across the midwest, and make connections to our growing community!