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Hiring Revolution: Our First Hire
Embarking on hiring for the first time can be overwhelming, and oftentimes we can ease our own discomfort by following a process that just retraces where we’ve already been. The drawback is we often miss out on engaging with the person right in front of us. Learn from Trina and Alfonso about how to place yourself in a place of curiosity and learning while simultaneously being clear on what you need from the role, your team, and this specific hire.
Negotiation: Mentorship
Finding leaders in your field that can help guide you is the essence of mentorship. Seeking inspiration from others can be transformational when it comes to achieving your business goals. If you are looking for strategies to find a mentor or would like to strengthen your relationship with your current one, this is the episode for you.
Negotiation: Total Compensation
There are so many costs associated with work other than the work itself. Childcare, food, mental health, travel expenses, and more are all aspects you should consider when figuring out your total compensation needs. To make sure you’re getting taken care of on all fronts before committing to a new job or project, Cate and Kalilah share details worth thinking about.
Negotiation: Leveraging Opportunity
“You are providing something of value. What are getting in return?” As Cate and Kalilah said before, employers come to you for a reason, so never walk away from hard work empty-handed. Not only can opportunities yield a great payout, but there are also other ways to leverage opportunities. Think about being able to grow your network, or expand your leadership role(s), for example. Gain insights on how to maximize your work experiences in this installment of the series.
Negotiation: Know Your Worth
Employers want you for a reason. Be it your creativity, expertise, knowledge, or all the above, your work is valuable. As Cate says, “time is money for all of us,” so do not waste your time with people or companies that won’t compensate you fairly. Learn how to recognize your worth and strategies for healthy boundary setting in this second episode.
Negotiation: Strategy
Cate and Kalilah have had wildly different paths to their current positions, but they share common values in ensuring you not only get what you want but stay true to yourself in the process. In this conversation, they focus on specific tactics and mindsets to employ when walking into negotiations recognizing the power and position within your lived experience.